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Harrison Ford

"Blade Runner 2049" Is An Exquisitely Made Disappointment

The Blade Runner sequel won't be passing any Voight-Kampff tests. NOTE: This review includes a few very basic plot details that those wishing to go into the movie completely unspoiled may want to avoid.


Which Era Of Men Are You Most Attracted To?

Get ready for some really difficult choices. Just remember: In these scenarios, all of these men are in their prime.

Why Harrison Ford Sees His Fans As "Customers"

"I like people to go away from meeting me … feeling the same way," Ford told BuzzFeed News. "And that is to say, not abused. Taken seriously as another human being."

Do Movie Boycotts Ever Work?

Ender's Game just opened with $28 million, but was that in spite of an organized boycott against the story's anti-gay author Orson Scott Card, or because of it?

Cowboys And Aliens And Dinosaurs

Cowboys & Aliens was number one at the box office. But they tied with The Smurfs. I don't want to live on this planet anymore. The guys over at io9 have a scathing, spoilery review of The Smurfs, but I think I figured out why Cowboys & Aliens didn't perform better.

Han Fro-lo

Even with ridiculous hair, Han Solo is the sexiest man this side of Tatooine.

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