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Blade Runner

Orientalism Is Alive And Well In American Cinema

The rage directed at critics of Wes Anderson’s Isle of Dogs is a reminder of how many people don’t want to believe that an homage can also slight the culture it's putting onscreen.

"Blade Runner 2049" Is An Exquisitely Made Disappointment

The Blade Runner sequel won't be passing any Voight-Kampff tests. NOTE: This review includes a few very basic plot details that those wishing to go into the movie completely unspoiled may want to avoid.

The New Breed Of Sci-Fi That's Saving Hollywood From Itself

Prestige science fiction features are winning over audiences and earning major Oscar attention like never before. The filmmakers behind the movies hoping to join their ranks, Arrival and Passengers, spoke with BuzzFeed News about how sci-fi could lead Hollywood into a better future.


Are You Actually A Replicant?

Sit down. Relax. This is called the Voight-Kampff test. Reaction time is a factor, so please pay attention.

Impressive Japanese "Blade Runner" Cosplay

It's time someone gives master cosplayer Omi Gibson the Voight-Kampff test -- she's a pretty convincing Rachael. Not so much the Japanese Deckard or Edward James Olmos guy below, but Omi ... she might actually be a replicant.

Fan-Made Blade Runner Chess Set

Well, it's not replicants or flying cars but at least SOMEONE is trying to bring us the future. Not that I'm bitter at all, Science.

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