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Bachelor In Paradise

“The Bachelor” Is Really Not Doing Well This Season

Are we, as a nation, not in the mood to watch The Bachelor during the #MeToo era? Or did last summer's Bachelor in Paradise disaster sour viewers on the show? Arie just boring?

The Frustrating, Tasteless "Bachelor In Paradise" Premiere

Bachelor in Paradise is meant to be stupid fun, but its two-night premiere dabbled in the very real issues of binge-drinking, consent, racism, and sexual assault — and trivialized all of them.

Meet The Professor Who Says Sex In A Blackout Isn't Always Rape

Is it possible to voluntarily have sex while blackout drunk? Kim Fromme, one of the country’s foremost experts on alcohol-induced blackouts, isn’t afraid to say so, and has testified in high-profile sexual assault cases from Steubenville to Stanford.

DeMario Jackson Says Corinne Olympios Was The "Aggressor"

In his first sit-down interview about Bachelor in Paradise, Jackson told his side of what happened during filming — and said a producer tried to pressure him into quitting. (Updated with Part 2 of the interview Tuesday night.)

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