21 Things That Are Real AF If You Go To Bed At 11pm

    Planned my day so that I would be in bed by 10pm, have an hour to read, and then a nice eight hours of sleep from 11pm to 7am.

    1. In order to function like a normal adult, you need to be in bed by 11pm.

    2. And that means brushing your teeth, taking your makeup off, and turning out the light before 11pm.

    3. So if you're watching a TV show that goes on until 11pm, you'll need to get ready for bed in the breaks.

    4. If you're eating out during the week, you start clock-watching at exactly 9:30pm.

    5. Because realistically you know that nothing good ever really happens on a weeknight.

    Couldn't go out on the piss on a weekday, it's just not right, week nights are for Corrie and a good cuppa 🙄

    The best thing that will happen is you will catch up with a friend. And no one has any catching up left to do after 9:30pm.

    6. You really believe that, when it comes to sleep, the hours before midnight count more than the hours after midnight.

    7. That said, you're OK with going to bed a little later than normal on Fridays and Saturdays.

    8. But you will never stay at a party beyond midnight.

    9. You're absolutely fine with being known as the person who leaves parties before they start.

    kind of wish i was going out for halloween tonight but i know i'll have a better time being in my bed by 11pm

    You've made your peace with your reputation.

    10. Or the person who doesn't attend them at all.

    11. Before you actually go to sleep, you have a whole bedtime routine to get through.

    12. You don't really understand people who get very excited about 24-hour public transport.

    13. Sharing a house with people who do noisy things in the evening is your worst nightmare.

    14. And you really dread having to get early flights and trains.

    Things I hate: 1. waking up early 2. 1

    Working out exactly how much time you'll need to allow for sleeping is tiring.

    15. If you don't manage to get to sleep by 11pm, you know you'll be incredibly groggy the next day.

    16. In an ideal world, you'd be in bed by 10pm but you're a reasonable person and you know that that's too ambitious.

    17. But if you have an exercise class or a meeting before work, you know it's perfectly acceptable to go to bed pre-11pm.

    18. But if you really want to treat yourself, you'll get into bed at 10pm with a good book and a cup of tea.

    19. In an effort to avoid getting too sleepy, you may even track how much you sleep.

    20. You will never understand people who stay up doing literally nothing.

    21. Because you love sleep.