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21 Accessory Trends From The '00s That Should Never Make A Comeback

No more diamanté tooth studs pls.

1. Sticking a diamanté on your French manicured nails.

2. Or worse, sticking a diamanté stud to your tooth.

3. Using a tie as a necklace.

As soon as you saw Avril Lavigne doing this, you started.

4. Wearing a headband featuring your name written on it in a glitter pen.

5. Wearing a toe ring in the summer.

But only if you had painted toenails.

6. Going on holiday and getting a hair wrap that would eventually fall out and leave a little stump of hair behind.

7. Attaching a very glitzy chain to your belt loops.

8. Wearing a belt that didn't hold up your trousers.

The chunkier, the better.

9. Wearing neon spike earrings.

10. Wearing unreasonably large hoop earrings from Claire's Accessories.

After a while they gave your ears a dull ache, that you swear wasn't normal. But you wore them anyway.

11. Getting your belly button pierced and immediately buying a Playboy belly ring.

You didn't understand why this was controversial. You just really liked bunnies!

12. Wearing a hairband that really didn't push your hair back.

13. Tying lots of little bits of your hair back with butterfly clips.

It meant you couldn't rest your head on anything but you didn't mind because you looked so cool.

14. Wearing this exact belt.

15. And also this one.

16. Tying your hair up with a scrunchie made out of synthetic hair to make your own hair look thicker.

17. Or tying it up with dice toggle bobbles.

18. Wearing a skinny scarf that wasn't remotely big enough to keep you warm.

These were especially ~stylish~ if they were glittery.

19. Owning a fake version of this Tiffany's necklace and bracelet.

You ordered these from the internet and felt 100% more glam when they arrived.

20. And getting a Pandora bracelet for your birthday.

21. But nothing was cooler than a Bang On The Door scrunchy.