This Artist Makes Lifelike Balloon Animals And I, For One, Am Truly Astonished


    For most people, balloon animals are just a fun lil' party gag — you get one, use it as a sword, it pops, you get over it.

    But for Tokyo-based balloon artist Masayoshi Matsumoto, balloons are a fun, new artistic medium!!!

    'Cause what he does with balloons is preeeeeeetty wild, IMHO.

    Like, if I was given this at a party, I wouldn't know what to do with it...?! IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM, NOT AT SOME TODDLER'S BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!!!!

    "I started making balloon art 10 years ago, when I got involved in the juggling community," Matsumoto told BuzzFeed. "I taught myself."

    As you can see, Matsumoto's balloon sculptures are much more realistic than the ~typical~ balloon dog.

    "I've always had a fascination with wildlife photos, so I wanted to make less common animals, like angler fish, hornets, and capybaras."

    As for his ~secret~, Matsumoto uses the same ol' technique that all balloon animal artists use: just blowing and twisting!

    However, it took Matsumoto A LOT of practice to get to where he is now. He said this monkey is the first balloon sculpture he ever made, adding: "It took me 6 years to make something I was actually proud of!"

    10 years later, and he really did THAT.

    "The pieces I make now take about 5 hours to produce," he said. "Occasionally I'll pop one balloon in the process, but I've gotten pretty good!"

    Yes, Masayoshi...

    ...yes, you have!!!!!!!

    To keep up with Masayoshi and his balloon sculptures, follow him on Instagram, Twitter, and/or Tumblr!