14 Tweets That Prove That No Matter The Situation, New Yorkers Are Still Hilarious

    Literally only in New York.

    1. To combat the coronavirus, this Bronx bodega issued a sweet, neighborly warning:

    2. This photo of the Hudson River restored my faith just as the Earth restored herself 😌:

    This photo of the Hudson River was taken yesterday. The earth is healing. We are the virus.

    3. This Gossip Girl voiceover pleased all of us greatly:

    SPOTTED: nobody. looks like social distancing is the name of the game and our upper east siders are lonier than Lonely Boy himself - but could something be brewing behind those walls? xoxo gossip girl https://t.co/iy67UdMsSN

    4. This New Yorker showed off his new method of keeping track of time:

    I made Covid 19 days of the,week underpants #COVID19 #CoronavirusNYC #coronaviruscraftingathome

    5. The M train made ALL of us want her back:

    6. Benj Pasek, Broadway King™, tweeted this disappointing yet topical lyric:

    Everyone: Realistically, how long do we think we’ll be quarantined inside our apartments in New York City? Evan Hansen:

    7. These New Yorkers gave Italy's balcony musicians a run for their money:

    italy: people singing new york: people screaming GO THE FUCK HOME out their windows i love this city https://t.co/LXkhza59As

    8. Even New Yorkers who left the city proved to long for it:

    Trying to recreate the view from my New York apartment. It’s not the same 😔

    9. This guy sanitized before hopping the turnstile, like a true MTA legend:

    10. This lady enforced the 6-foot rule:

    New Yorkers being New Yorkers #NYC #Covid_19

    11. These guys quoted the Bee Gees in a time of need:

    12. Some questionable mask precautions were taken:

    13. But through it all, New Yorkers stayed true to themselves during this pandemic:

    Sign in New York. Can't wait to go back one day. Telling people like it is 👍🏼😂

    14. So lastly, they leave you with this thought:

    the government is making us quarantine so they can change the batteries in the pigeons

    For the latest news, binge-watching suggestions, tips for caring for your mental health, and more, check out all of BuzzFeed's coronavirus coverage.