16 "Dirty" Graphic Design Fails That'll Make You Chuckle Like A Seventh Grader

    Please have that a** ready!

    1. "Shoemaker":

    2. Customer experience analytics!

    3. I <3 gym:

    4. Please have ticket or (p)ass ready:

    5. Finger licking Anu's kitchen!

    Possibly the most important apostrophe I've ever seen

    6. "Clock," but, like, modern!

    7. Low!!! Sodium!!!!!!!

    8. Hit the Spot.................Yum!

    9. This "Two" cake topper β€” perfect for a toddler's birthday party!

    10. Yup!

    11. Vicious Incorporated, established 2015!!!!!!!

    12. Help feed the world's hungry 😌:

    13. ............:

    14. WISE πŸ‘ MEN πŸ‘ STILL πŸ‘ SEEK πŸ‘ HIM πŸ‘:

    15. Unsolicited click picks:

    16. And lastly, this healthy snack that's *PACKED* with fruit nutrients!!!!!!!!!!!!

    H/T: /r/CrappyDesign