17 Times Anthony From "Sex And The City" Gave Us The Betchy Realness We Craved

    An underrated icon.

    1. When he did some ~window shopping.~

    2. When he lived for the drama.

    3. When he spoke out about the tragic reality of stonewashed jeans.

    4. When he wasn't here for Charlotte's dry spell.

    5. When he made sure that Charlotte's wedding to Harry would be Yentl chic.

    6. When he made us all crave butter pecan ice cream:

    7. When he wanted candles, candles, candles!

    8. When he couldn't avoid dreaded brunch run-ins in Chelsea.

    9. When he groomed a dog and made it weird.

    10. When he made sure that Carrie knew her wedding dress was fugly.

    11. When he assured us that UGLY 👏 SEX 👏 IS 👏 HOT. 👏

    12. When he had all the answers.

    13. When he called out a step-and-repeat tragedy.

    14. Whenever he HATED IT.

    15. When he knew the importance of a fucking coaster!!!!!!!!!!!!

    16. When he was all of us when our friend finally doinks someone!!!

    17. And when he basked in the natural wonders of the out-of-doors.