14 Times "Accessible" Design Severely Failed People With Disabilities

    Like, come ON.

    1. This parking spot that is definitely not impossible to use at all!!!

    2. Putting Braille on an extremely not-smooth surface:

    3. Hmmmmmm!

    4. This ramp(...?) that could quite possibly double as an X-Games course:

    5. THIS 👏 FLAT 👏 BRAILLE!!!!!!!!!!! 👏

    6. ..........:

    7. This sliiiiight oversight:

    8. This sad lil' ramp:

    9. This elevator that's up some stairs, no problem!!!!!!!!!

    10. These footpaths that don't seem to pose any potential issues whatsoever......RIGHT?!?!?!?!?!

    11. Same thing with this crosswalk!!!!!!!

    12. This ramp that seems like a very safe and normal idea!!!

    13. This reserved "accessible" desk space? Like, really?!

    14. And lastly, just.......THIS?!??!?!?!?!

    H/T r/CrappyDesign