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11 Animals Who Just Want To Help You Clean

Chores are way more fun when you have a furry friend to help. And then to clean up all those lovable paw prints, break out the new Swiffer BISSELL Steamboost.

1. This housecat who found a pretty sweet spot to nap.

2. This pup who doesn't want you to stress about sweeping the floor.

3. This tabby who thinks your vacuum could use a quick spit-shine.

4. This perfectionist pug who thinks you may have missed a spot.

5. This kitty cat who thinks she's a vacuum.

6. This frenchie who might be a bit of a clean freak.

7. This puffy pooch who may or may not be a mop.

8. This tabby who just remembered that it's her turn to do the dishes.

9. This husky who's had a long day but would be more than happy to clean the kitchen floor for you.

10. This kitten who's more than happy to help you sort your dirty clothes.

11. And this German Shepherd who offered to take care of your laundry.