This Panda Mom Is Adorably Obsessed With Her Babies


    Meet Mei Lun and Mei Huan.

    They were born four months ago at the Atlanta Zoo, and after some early trial and error, they're finally getting to hang out with their mom together for the first time.

    Pandas sometimes have a hard time with motherhood, but Lun Lun seems pretty comfortable.

    She just wants to scoop up and cuddle both of her babies.

    And stare at them.

    Lun Lun basically seems like she's never been as happy as she is holding her little dude.

    She's like one of those moms on Facebook who just wants you to look at one more picture of their little one.

    "Did you see them? Did you see how cute they are?!"

    It's cool, Lun Lun, your babies actually ARE the cutest.

    I'd be obsessed with their tiny panda faces as well.