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22 Of The Cutest Animal Babies You've Never Seen Before

These species might be lesser-known but they are definitely not lesser-cute! From dik-diks to echidna puggles, learn to love all these baby weirdos!

1. Baby Potto

2. Baby Klipspringer

3. Baby Star-Nosed Moles

4. Baby Agouti

5. Baby Duiker

6. Baby Pangolin

7. Baby Owston's Civet

8. Baby Bongo

9. Dhole Puppy

10. Baby Dik-Dik

11. Baby Gundi

12. Spoon-Billed Sandpiper Chick

13. Echidna Puggle

14. Baby Binturong (Bearcat)

15. Baby Chevrotain

16. Baby Numbat

17. Aardwolf Cub

18. Baby Pika

19. Malayan Tapir Calf

20. Baby Golden Brushtail Possum

21. Kentish Plover Chick

22. Baby Silky Anteater