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17 Facts That Are 100% True And 100% Freaky

Most people have an above-average number of arms.

1. In a room with just 23 people in it, there's a 50% chance two of them share a birthday.

2. If you folded a regular piece of notebook paper in half 45 times, it would be thick enough to reach the moon.

3. Every time you shuffle a deck of cards, you are likely the first person in the history of the universe to create that exact sequence.

4. It takes just 12 days for a million seconds to pass. But a billion seconds takes almost 32 years.

5. One 17-inch pizza is more food than two 12-inch pizzas.

6. You know those dotted lines on the road that separate lanes? Most drivers estimate them to be 2 feet long. In actuality, each of those stripes is 10 FEET LONG.

7. What about traffic lights? Yeah, most people don't realize how big those things are, either.

8. Most people have an above-average number of arms.

9. There's a number out there called Graham's number. It's so large that trying to interpret it might literally turn your brain into a black hole.

10. There's also a number called a googolplex, which is so large that there's not enough room in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE to write it down.

11. If you're having trouble calculating a percentage, just flip it. 4% of 50 is the same as 50% of 4. 80% of 25 is the same as 25% of 80.

12. If someone tells you they have two kids and one is a boy, the odds that the second child is a girl are two out of three, NOT 50-50.

13. Imagine you have a rope long enough to wrap around the entire circumference of the globe. The rope is 24,901.55 miles long. You now want to lengthen the rope so that it can hover one foot off the ground at all points on Earth. How much more rope do you need to make this happen? Just 6.28 feet.

14. And what if you want to do the exact same thing, but with a tennis ball? Let's say your rope is currently 8 inches long. How much more rope do you need to give a foot of clearance around the entire ball? 6.28 feet — just like in the globe example.

15. There's a 3D shape called Gabriel's Horn, which has infinite area BUT a limited volume. In other words, you could fill the horn with paint, but you couldn't actually paint it.

16. Statistically speaking, your friends will always have more friends than you do.

17. And finally, to calculate the volume of this deep-dish pizza, you would simply use the formula: Pi x Z x Z x A.