The ABCs Of "Orange Is The New Black"

    Mild spoilers for Season 3. You've been warned.

    A is for Amish.

    B is for Big House Bugle.

    C is for Chicken.

    D is for Drugs.

    Also Dandelion.

    E is for Eyeliner.

    Also erotic fiction, early release.

    F is for Flavour packets.

    G is for Gardening.

    H is for Hooch.

    I is for Illinois.

    J is for Jobs.

    K is for Kosher.

    L is for Litchfield.

    M is for Maxi Pads.

    N is for Norma's cult.

    O is for Outsider.

    P is for Panties.

    Q is for Queer love. <3

    R is for Admiral Rodcocker.

    S is for Safe place.

    T is for Tunnel.

    U is for Uniforms.

    V is for Van.

    W is for Women, which this show is full of, unlike basically everything else on TV.

    X is for XXX sites, usually open on Caputo's computer.

    Y is for Yoda the cockroach.

    Z is for Zoo. Because Litchfield can get kinda crazy.