19 Things All Mall Employees Will Understand

    Things that are the worst: summer, winter, adults, tweens, teens, children, customers, other stores etc etc etc...

    1. You either love or loathe the mall playlist.

    ... Depending on how you feel about 90s pop.

    2. You have one place where you get coffee from daily. Not two, not three. One.

    3. On the other hand, eating lunch in the same food court every day make you feel like you're living an IRL version of Groundhog Day.

    "Hi, I'll have.. "

    "Chicken foccacia?"

    "... *sigh* Yes, please."

    4. Christmas time = Christmas music = A genuine, passionate hatred for the festive season.

    5. You're a pro at dodging and weaving your way through a crowd...

    6. You get annoyed when everyday you walk through the mall and get accosted to try paintballing, or a new, deep sea face product, or some new exercise equipment.

    7. School holidays are basically the worst.

    8. Some people are filthy little cretins who will ditch a McFlurry under your shelves like that's not a total asshole move.

    9. Also the worst? Summer.

    I see you, loiterers who don't have air-con at home.

    10. And yes, winter too.

    Yep, cool, just traipse all that rain and slush and mud through my store, no worries.

    11. All your clothes come from stores that you can get to in your half hour lunch break.

    12. A broken escalator can ruin your life.

    13. You believe that there is a special place in hell for parents who allow their kids to trash your store and then don't help you clean up or even apologise.


    14. Despite the fact that you're there everyday, you still manage to forget where you parked at least twice a week.

    15. And while we're talking about parking, finding a carpark is an everyday stuggle.

    16. You've seen some truly frightening sights in the public bathrooms.

    17. While walking through the mall in your uniform, a stranger has asked you to serve them.

    18. A blackout is a blessing.

    19. And finally, the air con is either non-existent or arctic. There is no in between.