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10 Things Your Starburst Sharing Habits Say About You

Take our candy psych evaluation. Starburst can tell you a lot about yourself, but good luck figuring out why they're so unexplainably juicy.

1. You're a good friend.

2. You're not living up to your friend potential.

3. You're logical and fair.

4. You bore easily, stepped away from your computer, and now your dog is eating your candy.

5. You have trust issues.

6. You're impulsive and have mistaken the Starburst in your pocket for a penny.

7. You live in Florida:

8. You're forgetful and did your laundry in a hurry.

9. You're a selfish neighbor and you obviously hate children:

10. You're the best human on the planet. Please. Save us from ourselves.

Take this survey. It's almost like taking a quiz!