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Big Bird Takes To Twitter, Is Quite Upset With Mitt Romney

The presidential candidate asserted he would cut funding for PBS, the home of Sesame Street. It's safe to say that Big Bird was not happy.

Prior to the debate, Mitt Romney is all like

Some of these things, like those endowment efforts and PBS I very much appreciate and like what they do in many cases but I just think they have to stand on their own rather than receiving money borrowed from other countries, as our government does on their behalf.

Which he echoed live on TV.

At first, Big Bird was like

WTF Mitt Romney... :(-- Big Bird

Look what Mitt Romney has done to me... http://t.co/dhDFNLvV

Look what Mitt Romney has done to me...

http://t.co/dhDFNLvV-- Big Bird

And then he got really angry

Yo Mitt Romney, Sesame Street is brought to you today by the letters F & U! #debates #SupportBigBird

Yo Mitt Romney, Sesame Street is brought to you today by the letters F & U! #debates #SupportBigBird-- Big Bird

And then super sad

If Romney wins, this could be me... :( http://t.co/A8aYbUaS #SupportBigBird #Debates

If Romney wins, this could be me... :( http://t.co/A8aYbUaS #SupportBigBird #Debates-- Big Bird

But then he made jokes

Romney will fire Big Bird and Cookie Monster and replace them with the replacement refs #bigbird

Romney will fire Big Bird and Cookie Monster and replace them with the replacement refs #bigbird-- Big Bird

And echoed the complaints of his friends

Even Ernie is mad! :( #SupportBigBird #Debates

Even Ernie is mad! :( #SupportBigBird #Debates-- Big Bird

Then he started a late-in-the-game campaign with Elmo

Big Bird / Elmo 2012! #debates #SupportBigBird

Big Bird / Elmo 2012! #debates #SupportBigBird-- Big Bird

But then got curious about a different VP candidate

Herman Cain / Big Bird 2016-- Big Bird

And wondered if he was a part of the 47 percent

I guess I'm the 47%... #debates #denverdebate

I guess I'm the 47%... #debates #denverdebate-- Big Bird

But then Grover got overly-dramatic

OMG, they arrested Grover for defending me. :( RT @XPhile1908 THIS http://t.co/JLDlmp5h

OMG, they arrested Grover for defending me. :( RT @XPhile1908 THIS http://t.co/JLDlmp5h-- Big Bird

And it was like... seriously, gurl, chill

But honestly, he really felt...

This is me after Romney gets elected: http://t.co/Z4bocBF4 | #denverdebate #debates

This is me after Romney gets elected: http://t.co/Z4bocBF4 | #denverdebate #debates-- Big Bird
