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Working At An Ad Agency: Then Vs. Now

There was a time of actual cutting and pasting. A lot has changed in the ad world. Luckily, some of it is for the better — like Sprout by HP, a first-of-its-kind computing platform that can help you unleash your creativity.

1. 9 a.m. then:

9 a.m. now:

2. Client meetings then:

Client meetings now:

3. Briefs then:

Briefs now:

4. Image searching then:

Image searching now:

5. Writing copy then:

Writing copy now:

6. Making comps then:

Making comps now:

7. Being a designer then:

Being a designer now:

8. Doing research then:

Doing research now:

9. Getting legal feedback then:

Getting legal feedback now:

10. Casual weeknight drinks then:

Casual weeknight drinks now:

11. Brainstorming then:

Brainstorming now:

12. Winning awards then:

Winning awards now:

13. Finally finishing a project then:

Finally finishing a project now:

With Sprout by HP — a scanner, depth sensor, projector, and computer combined — the future of design is here.