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13 Worldly Alec Baldwin Facts That Prove He’s A National Treasure

Find out about the life and times of the man by watching One Night Only: Alec Baldwin, premiering Sunday, July 9, only on Spike!

1. His full name is Alexander Rae Baldwin III...which literally makes him Alexander the Third.

2. He's a big dog lover and, at one point, owned as many as 11!

3. He knows how to steer a submarine.

4. He almost went to law school.

5. Before getting his break in acting, he worked as a busboy at Studio 54.

6. He also worked as a Long Island beach lifeguard while studying at NYU.

7. He's an ardent practitioner of yoga.

8. And he's a pretty huge philanthropist. The Alec Baldwin Foundation gives away between $2–4 million each year.

9. He's a classical music aficionado.

10. He holds the record for the most appearances hosting Saturday Night Live with 17.

11. He was in consideration for Tim Burton's Batman.

12. His family literally came over on the Mayflower.

13. He came a pretty respectable 9th in People Magazine's "Most Beautiful People in the World" ranking in 1990.

Celebrate the career of Alec Baldwin with his friends, family, and colleagues when One Night Only: Alec Baldwin premieres Sunday, July 9, on Spike.