19 Fucked-Up Wikipedia Pages That — I'm Warning You — Are So Disturbing

    You've been warned.

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us which fascinating yet disturbing Wikipedia pages completely engrossed them. Here are the wild results.

    Note: Some submissions include topics of suicide and sexual assault.

    1. Suicides at the Golden Gate Bridge

    Stills of the Golden Gate Bridge from the documentary "The Bridge"

    2. Bobby Driscoll

    3. Project ARTICHOKE

    4. The Toy Box Killer

    5. The Wizard of Oz

    Margaret Hamilton describes the burns she received while filming The Wizard of Oz

    6. Donner Party

    Side-by-side of James and Margret Reed and some mountains

    8. Dyatlov Pass Incident

    9. Death of Brian Wells

    Brian Wells sitting in the street with a bomb around his neck

    10. Carl Tanzler

    11. The 2009 Taconic State Parkway Crash

    A side-by-side of Diane and her husband and Diane in the gas station

    12. Murder of Junko Furuta

    13. Zodiac Killer

    The Zodiac Killer and a note during two scenes in David Fincher's "Zodiac"

    14. Roscoe Arbuckle

    15. Aileen Wuornos

    AIleen Wuornos during her trial

    16. John du Pont

    John du Pont and Dave Schultz

    17. Ed Gein

    18. Issei Sagawa

    Issei Sagawa in an interview

    19. And the Murder of Sylvia Likens