28 Fucking Infuriating Things That Happened In "Titanic"


    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us which Titanic moments always annoy them. Here are the infuriating results.

    1. When the tiny remote submarine could barely turn over the wooden door, yet it somehow managed to maneuver a super heavy safe out from the interior of Cal's stateroom to the ocean's surface.


    2. They said Rose was a famous actress in the '20s. Did Cal never see a movie? Wouldn't it have revealed to him that she was still alive, so he could find her and demand the Heart of the Ocean back?

    He didn't die until the Crash of '29, so it's a very big possibility that he knew who she was.


    3. When Jack asked for a single cigarette but took two. Smh.

    4. When Molly Brown gave Jack her son's clothes to wear. Like, awesome! But she was traveling alone on the ship. Why did she have her son's clothes?


    5. When Rose's mother took this tiny-ass bite of her food.

    6. The fact that we'll never know whose hand this was. Was it Rose's? Was it Jack's? IDK!

    7. When Lovejoy slipped the necklace into Jack's pocket to frame him, but Jack didn't notice. Rose commented on how heavy the diamond was. He should have felt it!

    8. Literally every single time Rose's mother opened her mouth.

    9. When Rose CLOSED HER EYES as she swung an ax at Jack's hands.

    10. When the ship was literally sinking but this crew member stopped to yell at Jack and Rose to pay for the door they broke.

    11. And when the crew member at the gate kept telling third-class passengers to go back down the main stairwell.

    12. When Rose was safely on a lifeboat but jumped back onto the ship for a boy she literally just met...

    13. ...Because, let's be honest, the floating piece of wood that saved her could have been Jack's if she'd stayed on the lifeboat.

    14. And let's not forget the fact that they say each other's names in every single sentence. Rose, Rose, Rose. Jack, Jack, Jack.

    15. When Cal started shooting at Jack and Rose, even though they were already heading farther down the sinking ship. Like, come on, man.

    16. When this guy tried unlocking the gate but then dropped the key...SO HE JUST GAVE UP AND RAN AWAY.

    17. When things were hectic on the outside deck and Tommy got pushed forward, so Murdoch shot him.

    18. When Cal kidnapped the little girl and used her to secure his own seat on a lifeboat.

    19. When Jack literally abandoned Fabrizio, his best friend of several years, to be with a woman he'd just met two days beforehand.


    20. When Hitchens threatened to throw Molly Brown overboard after she begged for her half-full boat to save more people.


    22. When Jack and Rose only tried ONCE to fit together on the wooden door.

    23. And it never occurred to them to TAKE TURNS on it?! Sharing is caring.

    24. When Rose promised that she'd never let go of Jack, and then 0.4 seconds later she let go.

    25. When Rose THREW THE FUCKING HEART OF THE OCEAN INTO THE WATER. I get the metaphor, but COME ON.

    26. And when she made that weird chirp as she let it go.

    27. Literally the entire alternate ending, which was just cringeworthy and laughable.

    28. And, of course, the fact that 95% of the movie was about Jack and Rose, but we only got 12 seconds of this incredibly heartbreaking love story.

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