24 Weird Things You Find In Every School Staffroom

    These specific chairs.

    1. These specific chairs.

    2. Or these ones with arms if your school is really fancy.

    3. Unclaimed Tupperware.

    4. A vast number of best teacher mugs.

    5. Passive aggressive signs about the washing up.

    6. A single stained teaspoon.

    7. A dirty Sports Direct mug.

    8. Overflowing pigeon holes.

    9. Industrial sized barrels of instant coffee.

    10. A retirement card for people to sign.

    11. Cake.

    12. And cake that people have eaten in a horrific fashion.

    13. Christmas biscuits.

    14. Someone's questionable home baking.

    15. Microwaves covered in mysterious orange gunk.

    16. Chinese food container lids.

    17. Some gone off milk.

    18. A limescaled kettle.

    19. A selection of random long-forgotten items confiscated from students.

    20. Impractical low down tables.

    21. This exact ceiling and lighting arrangement.

    22. This type of clock.

    23. A pile of someone's abandoned marking.

    24. No teachers.