21 Pictures People Who Didn't Grow Up Mallu Will Never Understand

    Of course, chukku kaapi is the only solution for all your ailments.

    1. Checking the only real calendar you could trust every time the new year rolled in.

    2. Being told that this was extremely important literature to be growing up on...

    3. ... But all you really cared about were this little devil's latest adventures.

    4. Eating the shavings from under this when your mom sat to scrape the thenga.

    5. Fearing this weapon of mass destruction and yet knowing it to be the most faithful in all weathers.

    6. Spotting this set-up in the kitchen and knowing breakfast is going to be a goddamn feast.

    7. Trusting this more than any doctor for every big and small scrape you got into.

    8. Wondering if Douglas Adams referred to this when he said towels are the most massively useful things.

    9. Pretending you were living a little palli song sequence of your own when you lit this.

    10. Using this as a standard showpiece in every house you moved to.

    11. Depending on this all-purpose weapon for food, hair, skin and life problems.

    12. Very seriously deciding on a colour for the most dependable item in your home.

    13. Constantly reminding yourself to keep this charged to prepare for any apocalyptic power cut.

    14. Knowing that no meal would be complete without a bottle of this delicious condiment.

    15. Being handed a hot cup of this when you were sick.

    16. Watching your mother slowly rotate the chatti to make this to calm yourself.

    17. Handing the reins of the entire family's hygiene to this tiny bar.

    18. Opening your Gelf chetta's suitcase expecting a massive quantity of this.

    19. Envying every uncle and aunty who could roam around with all the free air in the world.

    20. Using this to up your hair game.

    21. And knowing that the world would probably collapse before you could figure which of these is the best.