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This Shoot With Muscular Women Shows Them Crushing Stereotypes Bare-Handed

"Being strong is sexy."

Elle India's beauty issue this May features muscular women who have sculpted their bodies and thrown every feminine stereotype out the window.

Bani J, 28, actor

Nilparna Sen, 23, gym trainer and manager

Ayesha Billimoria, 29, track athlete and fitness trainer

Natasha Noel, 23, yoga instructor

Shweta Sakharkar, 25, bikini bodybuilder

Navreet Josan, 30, make-up artist

Rashi Chowdhary, 31, nutritionist

Read more about them on Elle here.

Body Positivity Week is a week of content devoted to exploring and celebrating our complicated relationships with our bodies. Check out more great Body Positivity Week content here.