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15 Thoughts Everyone Has When Ordering A Drink

One goal, but so many thoughts. At least with Smirnoff Double Black, your vodka choice won't even need a second thought.

1. "GAAAAAAAH, are all of these people waiting for a drink too?"

2. "Oh… THAT'S how much drinks are during happy hour?!"

3. "Wait... Why. Is. The. Floor. Sticky. Right. Here?!?!?"

4. "If I decide to eat this entire bowl of bar snacks, are they going to charge me?"

5. "I need to get that good bartender's attention…"

6. "…who is now free. BARTENDER! HEY! HEEEEEEEEEEY!"

7. "Wait? On the rocks? Straight-up? I DIDN'T PREPARE FOR THIS DECISION!"

8. "How long does it really take them to cut up that massive pile of limes?!"

9. "Who is that and what are they drinking so I can buy one for them?"

10. "Oh god, is it pronounced mara-chino cherries or mara-shino? I can't order that."

11. "Will the bartender and/or every single person around me judge me if I order a fancy drink?"

12. "Will that bartender really care if I reach over and grab a straw?"

13. "Confirmed: Bartender does care if I reach over for a straw."

14. "Did my buddy just pay for my drink?! MY BUDDY JUST BOUGHT ME A DRINK!"

15. "Oh, but... that means… I have to buy the next round."