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12 Problems Only Programmers Understand

If you identify with this, chances are you’re a developer. Watch what happens when a programmer sets out to launch his own startup on the new comedy series Silicon Valley, premiering April 6 at 10 p.m. ET, only on HBO.

1. Everything about debugging ever.

6 stages of debugging 1 That can't happen 2 It works my machine 3 It shouldn't happen 4 Why does this happen? 5 Ah! 6 How did it ever work?

2. Those coding all-nighters, and never enough coffee.

3. When this happens, and your whole world comes crashing down:

Here's something you don't see everyday #GitHubDown #Panic

4. When you're in an awkward conversation, and you realize there's no such thing as the Fork Bomb IRL.

5. When something goes wrong:

6. Having to explain this sort of joke to your non-programmer friends never gets easier:

"So this SEO copywriter walks into a bar, grill, pub, public house, Irish bar, bartender, drinks, beer, wine, liquor"

7. Writing code for so long you start losing your grasp on the English lang10100111001010101010101001001001...

8. Most of your Google search terms end with “not working."

9. There's never enough room for all the equipment you need to do your job properly.

10. Code doesn't work, turns out you were forgetting that darn second "=" sign.

11. Making something you're insanely proud of, but you can't show anyone because it's for a confidential client. Ugh.

12. Or you spend months building an app, and the App Store ends up rejecting it.