23 Cell Phones Every Millennial Will Remember On Sight

    T9 was the original autocorrect.

    1. The Motorola Razr that basically solidified your status as the coolest kid on the block.

    2. The BlackBerry that had you feeling like a high-powered business executive when in reality you were just texting your mom.

    3. Or the Blackberry Pearl that still had you feeling like a business exec but in a smaller, shinier way.

    4. This slide-y phone that was made of ACTUAL CHOCOLATE.

    5. The phone that Paris Hilton and every rich kid at your school had: the Sidekick.

    6. The Rokr, aka the Razr's cousin that had iTunes on it and tried to convince you it would be able to replace your iPod.

    7. The LG Dare, a clunky foray into the world of touch screen cell phones.

    8. The EnV that flipped open to a full keyboard and second screen, making everyone's head spin.

    9. And Ev2, the next gen that was smaller, thinner, and therefore sexier.

    10. The LG Rumor that SLID into a keyboard, leaving us all equally shocked and amazed.

    11. This Nokia brick you would use to play Snake into the wee hours of the night.

    12. The Samsung Juke that would slide up so you could make calls on a phone that was a mile long.

    13. This hand-me-down from your mom.

    14. This lil' swively thing that had a keyboard on one side and music controls on the other.

    15. The brick to end all bricks.

    16. The LG Voyager that brought everything full circle by having a touch screen on the front AND flipping to reveal a keyboard underneath.

    17. The Motorola Pebl, yet another cousin of the Razr that just didn't have the ~IT factor.~

    18. This flip phone that was ACTUALLY the size of a pebble!!!

    19. This collaboration between Motorola and Babyphat that's confusing now but made perfect sense in 2005.

    20. The LG Fusic that was like "I'm like a not a regular flip phone, I'm a cool flip phone that plays music."

    21. The Alias, aka the phone flipped both ways.

    22. This phone that slid up into a mini TV thing because, sure.

    23. And finally, this beauty from Motorola that should stand as an everlasting reminder of where we came from.

    It was a simpler time. And, dare I say, a better time.
