Three Grown-Ass Dudes Tried Women's Painful Beauty Routines For The First Time

    "I've been kicked in the balls quite often. THIS IS WORSE."

    So I went to a beauty parlour with two of my male compatriots, and yes, we experienced THE WHOLE DAMN ROUTINE.

    We started off with what we were told was the worst of it all, and got our arms and legs waxed.

    Then we got our eyes threaded, which one participant described as, "pluck, pain, pain, pain, pluck, pain, pain, pluck, pain..." and so forth.

    After that, we kicked back with an ancient relaxation technique known as the "mani-pedi", and also had some myths put to rest.

    What we learnt: three grown-ass dudes getting their hair ripped out for the first time can make them lifelong friends.

    Also, major respect to everyone out there who does this multiple times a month, because HOW.

    Most of all, though, we just showed off how goddamn smooth our arms really were.

    Watch the entire ordeal here: