Here's How Even The Worst Cook Can Make The Best Kesar Nankhatai Biscuits

    You knead to know this recipe.

    Here are some tasty-ass kesar nankhatai biscuits. Now I'm going to tell you how you can make them in YOUR OWN HOUSE. Or anyone's house, really.

    First, you just gotta mix a bunch of stuff. Mixing is so easy. DJs do it all the time. So can you.

    Then you gotta make some balls, and decorate them however the hell you like. This is your Nan Khatai biscuit. This is your canvas. You do you.

    Finally, slide those balls into the oven, and take them out when they're golden brown in colour. Not dark brown. Not mauve. GOLDEN. BROWN.

    Aaaaaaaand BOOM. You're a goddamn culinary genius.