Here's The Only Butt Workout You Need

    Baby about to get back.

    So you want a stronger double, but are tired of doing the same ol' boring squats?

    That's why BuzzFeed worked with certified strength and conditioning specialist Holly Perkins, author of Lift To Get Lean and founder of Women's Strength Nation, to create a quick workout for your glutes that will confuse your butt a good way.

    1. Do 15 prone hip extensions on the Swiss ball.

    2. Do 15 glute bridges on the Swiss ball.

    3. Do 15 Plié squats.

    4. Do 15 reverse lunges on each leg.

    5. Do 10 single leg kneels on each leg.

    Here's the entire workout in one video, so you can bookmark it for later!

    Facebook: video.php
