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11 Ways To Make A Co-Worker's Day That Much Better

It's easier than you think. Upgrade someone's day with a cup of Seattle's Best Coffee.

1. Um, first and foremost: free food.

2. And coming in a close second is obviously more free food.

3. Then maybe a complimentary hot drink or two.

4. But if free food isn't an option, hire a celebrity impersonator to surprise your boss on his birthday.

5. Offer to take on a little extra work to help out a co-worker in need.

6. Keep fresh flowers at your desk to brighten things up.

7. Get funding to go to fun events.

8. Surprise everyone by scheduling an early happy hour.

9. Invite people out for a trivia night.

10. Organize a Secret Santa so everyone gets something special.

11. And honestly, if none of those nice things work, there's always more free food.

Make everyone love you with a mug of Seattle's Best Coffee®.