15 Times Will Humphries Has Been Without A Doubt The Best Character On “W1A"

    "Yeah cool no worries that's fine."

    So there's a guy called Will Humphries on W1A.

    He's kind of like an intern.

    1. And I kid you not, every single thing he has ever said on this show is just so fantastically magnificent.

    2. So meaningful.

    3. So eloquent.

    4. So strong.

    5. You want every conversation with him not to end.

    6. God this joke is hard to keep going like this.


    8. He has a great relationship with other characters.

    9. He has all of the most important storylines.

    10. Why? Because directly after he asked Izzy whether she wanted to indulge in a coffee, too.

    And then he got their coffee orders mixed up.

    And more recently there's been this shocking storyline, when his pass was no longer working.

    11. He then made a passionate plea to security.

    And the terrible twist was this.


    Even politicians started to get involved.

    Will on W1A wouldn't be stuck on an unpaid internship for 11 months under our plan to end unpaid internships over 4 weeks

    12. And we're now concerned for him, as he has a tendency to beat himself up a bit about things.

    13. It can get quite dark.

    14. Really quite dark.

    15. We need him because, depending on your sexual orientation, you may find him 🔥 sexually attractive 🔥.

    Will. Stay. In our hearts. Forever.