• Glastonbury 2015 badge

The Food At Glastonbury 2015 Looks Incredible

Glast-nom-bury more like.

1. Piggie Smalls

2. The Cheese Truck

3. Tibetan Kitchen

4. The Parsnipship

5. Fish Finger Heaven

6. Truly Crumptious

7. Buddha Bowls

8. La Rotisserie

9. Notso

10. Seasonal Samosas

11. The Soulful Food Company

12. Lynda's Loaf

13. Zouk Original Street Food

14. Paellaria

15. Rac Shack Alpine Street Food

16. Permaculture

17. Goodness Gracious

An earlier version of this piece called Truly Crumptious "Truly Crumpets".