26 Situations Only People Who Compete In Triathlons Will Understand

    "How the hell do I take this wetsuit off whilst running?"

    1. Why enter a triathlon? You wanted a challenge.

    2. Or you were absolutely wasted. You were at a computer. And then your credit card number slipped.

    And your address slipped. And your three numbers at the back of your credit card slipped. And the fact that you forgot to cancel, you told all of your friends and you made your parents sponsor you on a Just Giving page slipped. IT ALL SLIPPED.

    3. It doesn't matter. Triathlons don't look that difficult.

    4. Closer to the event, friends give you some support.

    5. You then contact your parents for some support.

    6. But she knows the truth.

    7. Don't worry, your confidence hasn't been knocked.

    8. I mean, it's not like you're not doing an ironman triathlon. Their distances are frankly nuts.

    9. You also hear this question a lot.

    10. If you're skinny, some people tell you that you wouldn't be able to survive such a physically demanding sport.

    When the Brownlee brothers are just as skinny as you are.

    11. And you've put yourself on to a proper good diet, so a lot of your meals end up looking like this.

    12. You tell your friend how confident you now are. You still get this in response.

    13. But now your moment is here. You look wonderful.

    14. And boom, you're getting punched in the face.

    15. This is all you can see right now.

    16. None of your friends or family watching right now can tell which one you are so they are assuming the worst :/

    17. Before now you've been training in swimming pools, and now you're in the middle of a giant lake. That's not scary.

    At least you've got this amazingly huge thing to hug.

    18. Coming out of the sea or lake isn't unflattering.

    You DON'T look like a 1960's Doctor Who monster that is about to kill everybody.

    19. Running whilst talking your wetsuit off isn't difficult.

    20. It is much easier if you have a friend to help you.


    21. The transition to your bike... isn't confusing.

    22. Then, it's time to cycle. You've got laps to do but for some reason it is difficult to count up to the number...

    23. And then it's time to transition from the bike to the running, and because you're using a whole new set of muscles your legs now feel like this.

    "All that training", you think to yourselves. "And it still feels like I am running on a bouncy castle."

    24. And seeing where you just were a few moments before absolutely kills you.

    25. You approach the finish. You are in a hell of a lot of pain, and you aren't first, but you still really want to do this.

    "Yay I won."

    26. And your legs for the rest of time? At this angle.