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9 Small Things We Do That Are Actually Wasteful

Little things add up! But you can make a big difference by going tube-free with Scott Naturals®. Take a stand against wasteful cardboard tubes in toilet paper rolls — Pledge and Save today!

1. Brush your teeth? Good!

2. Work at an office and drink things there?

3. Drink water? Smart.

4. Make multiple trips to the grocery store every week?

5. Eat at local restaurants?

6. Clean your house? (At least when it's spring?)

7. Celebrate the holidays?

8. Wash your clothes? Great! Wash them in hot water? Bad.

9. Put your electronics to sleep when you're not using them?

Edit: An item has been removed that appeared in a previous version of this post regarding the donation of potentially expired food. Scott Naturals supports the practice of safe and healthy food donation — check with your local food donation center for more information about what can be donated.

Another small thing? Pledge to go tube-free with Scott Naturals and get yourself a coupon.