Paid Post

10 Actually Fun Student Activities That Are Super Cheap

Looking for ways to stretch that student budget? Scotiabank (@scotia_gram) has some fun, easy, and affordable ideas.

1. Throw a BYOT (Bring Your Own Toppings) pizza-making party.

2. Throw a clothing swap party!

3. Host a party where everyone has to bring someone cool that they don't usually hang out with!

4. Go to a local museum on a discounted night.

5. Host a party where everyone has to teach one party trick.

6. Go to a small local farm and meet some beautiful animals!

7. Throw a party where everyone has to dress up like one person at the party.

8. Coordinate a picnic with your friends and assign each person to bring lunch for someone.

9. Host a mustache party!

10. Stage a "walking" potluck where you eat a single course at each of your friends' apartments.

And when in doubt, you can always see a FREE movie. Sign up for a Scotiabank student bank account with a SCENE® debit card and get five FREE movies. ​