9 Longform Stories We're Reading This Week: Wendy Davis, Jim Carrey And The Notorious MSG

    What if everything you've heard about MSG was wrong? This week's BuzzReads story takes a look at the compound's troubled past and unlikely future. Read that and these other great longform stories from around the web.

    1. The Notorious MSG's Unlikely Formula for Success — BuzzReads

    2. The Poorest Rich Kids in the WorldRolling Stone

    3. Dry Land — BuzzFeed

    4. The Killing MachinesThe Atlantic

    5. Warning: I Will Employ the Word "Fat"New York

    6. Approaching Darkness — Mashable

    7. The Career Arc of Jim Carrey — Grantland

    8. Stand and DeliverVogue

    9. The House D.J. Fluker BoughtSan Diego Union-Tribune