90 Jokes About Math That Don't Require An Upside-Down Calculator

    Carry the one...

    We all know why 6 was afraid of 7...so here are some other funny math jokes that you probably haven't heard before — courtesy of Reddit, Twitter and Tumblr — for the next time you're trying to be the math class clown!

    1. "What do you call a snake that's 3.14 meters long? A πthon!"


    2. "I know a mathematician who couldn't afford to buy lunch. He could binomial."


    3. "So a Roman walks into a bar, holds up two fingers and says, 'I'll have five beers, please.'"


    4. "There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator..."



    a right angle with the text "I had an argument about math with this guy today... Sad to say, he was right."

    6. "A guy walks in to a bar and shouts "Give me ten times the number of drinks everyone in here is drinking!" The bartender replies 'That my friend, is an order of magnitude.'"


    7. "There are two kinds of people in this world: those who can extrapolate from incomplete data..."


    8. "I find negative numbers so confusing, I will stop at nothing to avoid them!"


    9. Jeff Bezos' secret:

    "what's the derivative of Amazon? Amazon Prime"

    10. "What does the B in Benoit B. Mandelbrot stand for? Benoit B. Mandelbrot."


    11. "Why do mathematicians like parks? Because of all the natural logs."


    12. Simple geometry:

    a pentagon, hexagon, octagon, and outline of oregon

    13. "Did you hear about what happened to the statistician? Probably."


    14. "What do you call a baby eigensheep? It's a lamb—duh!"


    15. "Why math puns? Just cos."


    16. Everyone's favorite show:

    "sinefeld" with jerry's photo across a line graph

    17. "Alcohol and mathematics don't mix... Never drink and derive."


    18. "What do you get when you cross an elephant and a grape? Elephant grape sine theta."


    19. "Three statisticians are at archery. The first one misses the target ten feet to the left. The second one misses the target ten feet to the right. The third one shouts, 'Bulls-eye!'"


    20. Going back to your roots:

    tree's roots above ground in a perfect square

    21. "Triangles and squares agree: circles have no point."


    22. "Why couldn't the fraction 1/5 finish his math exam? Because he was 2/10ths."


    23. "There are three types of people in the world: those who can count and those who cannot."


    24. No one:

    25. "Why did the mathematician wear a costume on Christmas?Because OCT 31 = DEC 25."


    26. "Why didn't the topologist's marriage work out? He though arbitrary unions were open."


    27. "Here's looking at Euclid."


    28. Perspective shift:

    "turn the sadness into something positive" and i'm sad in between lines

    29. "Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven eight nine. Why was six afraid of eight? Induction!"


    30. "We know that 6 was afraid of 7 because 7 8 9. But why did 7 eat 9? He wanted to have 3 squared meals a day."


    31. Fully functional:

    "stop asking y" and someone responds "f(x)"

    32. "Why do they mow the grass in the middle of a divided highway? So the median's mean can be mode."


    33. "My girlfriend is like the square root of -100, a perfect 10 but totally imaginary."


    34. "I don't know about math, but I definitely love jokes about Sweden. I mean, for starters, their flag is a big plus."


    35. No longer at odds:

    "when odd numbers are added to other odd numbers"  and the meme says, "we're even now"

    36. A generational difference:

    the nineties

    37. The amazing diversity of nature:

    y= different equations and different cows

    38. Double-checking:

    someone questioning something simple like using a TI-84 calculator to do 2+2

    39. The best cheese:


    40. Everyone's favorite state:

    kansas and kansas -1

    41. How coffee is made:

    how coffee is made, f(x), f'(x), f"(x)

    42. "The volume of a cylinder with radius z and height a can be expressed as pi * z * z * a."


    43. The REAL answer:

    cos 789 equals -0.8959

    44. "My wife told me she thought that conic sections were the greatest thing ever, but I told her to stop being so hyperbolic."


    45. The important difference:

    space x with a rocket going horizontal and space y with the rocket going vertical

    46. Lots and lots of berries:

    how did they find 1,120,000,000,000,000,000 strawberries!

    47. Frowns upside down:

    someone turning their sad face text into a happy one

    48. The most perfect words in the world:

    no three words better than i love you and someone responds, "quod erat demonstrandum"

    49. Proper labeling:

    absolute vodka bottle and then vodka in between the symbol for absolute

    50. Epic arguments:

    two historical men using different equations to argue and go back and forth to insult

    51. "There are 10 types of people in this world: those who know binary, those who don't, and those who didn't expect this joke to be in base 3."


    52. "Why does 0 have such a hard time finding a job? It doesn't have a degree."


    53. Disgusting tans:

    a tan line graph drawn on someone's arm

    54. He has the right angle:

    hippotenuse  hippo

    55. Don't be obtuse:

    an acute angle and a drawing of a baby, "im acute baby"

    56. "What do mathematicians do when they're constipated? Work it out with a pencil."


    57. A math-scot:

    a transformer toy next to an equation

    58. A classic math thriller:

    snakes drawn onto a plane

    59. This one's a thinker:

    "your plan has been foiled" with an equation

    60. Scary moments at home:

    (a+b)squared saying fuck

    61. True terror:

    "terrifed of the vertical axis" "why" and then the person screams

    62. Test scores:

    the paper score showing square root of 144 over 150

    63. Everyone's favorite day:

    pi day march 14 and e day february 71

    64. You + me = we:

    "i wish i was your derivative so i could lie tangent to your curves"

    65. Coping mechanisms:

    me trying to escape my problems, f'(x) = e^x

    66. Aspirin:

    asprii dn = aspirin plus c

    67. A visual reminder:

    radius and diameter shown with star wars lightsaber

    68. The easiest problem to solve:

    oh so you like math? name every number? repsonds with an infinity equation

    69. A helpful Venn diagram:

    rap music and discrete mathematics venn diagram with the middle being the use of the phrase "for reals"

    70. Tomato, tomahto:

    3squared = 6

    71. Show your work:

    show your work

    72. Marvel's hot new movie:

    avengers n(war) n->00

    73. Pokemon math:

    pokemon math

    74. The beauty of nature:

    polar bear and cartesian bear

    75. The important difference:

    is 4 alot? depends on the context

    76. An apPEELing equation:

    sin(gerine) over cos(gerine) and a drawing of a tangerine

    77. "An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first orders a beer. The second orders half of a beer. The third orders a quarter of a beer. The fourth begins to order, but the bartender cuts him off, saying, 'You guys need to know your limits,' and putting two beers on the bar."


    78. A *complimentary* angle:

    what's sin q/cos q? "tan q" you're welcome

    79. "Of all the primes, 2 is the oddest."


    80. No half measures:

    someone holding an oversized paddle to play table tennis like using a long formula for a simple equation

    81. "A physicist, a biologist, and a mathematician are sitting in a street cafe watching people entering and leaving the house on the other side of the street. First, they see two people entering the house. Time passes. After a while, they notice three people leaving the house. The physicist says, 'The measurement wasn't accurate.' The biologist says, 'They must have reproduced.' The mathematician says, 'If one more person enters the house, then it will be empty.'"


    82. "Why can't you grow wheat in Z mod 6? Because Z mod 6 isn't a field."


    83. Integratin' issues:

    "when you integrate by parts and realize you need to do it again" with a pic of an orange peeled to reveal another orange

    84. "Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven eight nine. Why was six afraid of eight? Induction!"


    85. Rivals:

    n and n plus 1

    86. Binge watching:

    binge watching from ep 4 to 25

    87. "What do you get when you cross a mosquito and a mountain climber? Silly mathematicians, you can't cross a vector and a scalar!"


    88. Shouting problems:

    "If you shout 0 loudly enough, it become 1. 0!"

    89. "Pi and I got into an argument. Pi told me, 'I'm just keeping it real.' I said to pi, 'No, you're being irrational.'"


    90. “Eight says to his friends seven and nine, ‘Hey guys, meet my new friend square root -1. ‘Seven says to nine, ‘Why can't I see anyone?’”


    This article contains content from Dave Stopera and Sam Weiner. It was compiled by Kelly Rissman.