I Watched "The Parent Trap" For The First Time As An Adult And I Have Some Questions

    We have SEVERAL questions about Meredith Blake.

    Hi! My name is Sam, and I'm a '90s kid through-and-through. That means I'm more than a little obsessed with my fair share of Disney movies. I was raised on them, and I can still smell the VHS tape cases.

    So when I watched Disney's The Parent Trap for the first time in ages, I had more than a few questions about the movie. And I *DEMAND* some answers!

    1. First of all, let's get the obvious question out of the way. What are the ODDS that out of all the summer camps in the world, Hallie and Annie get sent to the SAME summer camp during the SAME year?! I know we're supposed to suspend our disbelief but REALLY.

    2. While we're on the subject of weird coincidences, how do BOTH Annie and Hallie know how to play poker? And even if it's a family thing, isn't gambling a little weird of a hobby for 11-year-old girls?

    3. Serious question: Is Annie and Martin's secret handshake the most important moment in cinematic history? Maybe so!

    4. At the point of the fencing match, I'm assuming we're at least a few days into camp. Have NONE of the counselors or campers figured out that two of the girls attending are literally IDENTICAL?! Open your eyes, people!

    5. Is this line the sickest burn in movie history? I THINK IT MIGHT BE.

    6. I've never run an all-girls summer camp before, but is it REALLY a good idea to leave two 11-year-olds alone and unsupervised in the middle of the woods as a form of punishment? Seems like a safety hazard to me!

    7. How has Annie never heard of who Leonardo DiCaprio is before? She lives in LONDON, not some remote island in the Pacific...

    8. Are we REALLY supposed to be shocked that both twins like peanut butter on their Oreos? It's not that weird of a flavor combination! THERE LITERALLY ARE PEANUT-BUTTER FLAVORED OREOS.

    9. How did it take this long for Annie and Hallie to confirm that they're twins?! Did it not dawn on them that *MAYBE* they might be related?

    10. Was Annie's ear-piercing not the most terrifying scene growing up? How did she not get an infection??? I don't think it's sanitary!

    11. Reality check: WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD DIVORCE ANYONE WHO LOOKS LIKE DENNIS QUAID?! That is a whole-ass MAN right there.

    12. Do I detect DISNEY SHADE when Annie (as Hallie) tells her dad she is happy that he's "adopting" Meredith? If so, bravo Annie, BRAVO.

    13. While we're on the topic of Meredith, do we agree that while she might have been painted as the villain, she's kind of iconic? At age 26 she's already a seasoned PR vet, set to marry a handsome and wealthy man, and is a style icon to boot? Goals, TBH.

    14. When Liz tells Hallie (as Annie) about the "his and hers kids" arrangement, it got me thinking: Wouldn't it be really, really difficult to pull off? Like, think about all the people who would know about the twins — not just family, but friends, colleagues, etc. — and they wouldn't be able to let ANYTHING slip for 11 years. What about mutual friends and acquaintances? It just seems a little difficult to pull off if you ask me.

    15. Did it *REALLY* not register with Nick that he might have bumped into both Annie and Hallie in the hotel at this point? He saw the two of them on different floors in different outfits within a span of minutes, AND he saw his ex-wife earlier in the day. COME ON!

    16. I ALSO find it hard to believe that Nick would be able to hide his marriage to Liz from Meredith. Did he not tell her he was married before? Who did he tell her is Hallie's mother? Meredith is REALLY savvy, would she not be able to figure it out herself?

    17. On to the camping trip. How does Nick let Annie and Hallie get away with bullying Meredith? It's not like she can do anything back to them, they're children...but they're committing all-out psychological warfare against her!

    18. I mean REALLY, how is this OK?! What if Meredith couldn't swim? She would drown!

    19. After EVERYTHING the twins (and Nick and Liz for that matter) went through, HOW was their original solution to go back to living separate lives?! Thank GOD Nick flew to London with Annie! It would have been crazy not to!

    PHEW. That was a lot of questions. Now, tell me, is anyone else craving a spin-off where Meredith redeems herself and tries to scam bad men out of their money, or is it just me?!