21 Tweets That Will Make You LOL But Also Say "I'm Going To Hell"

    That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

    1. We'll start slow:

    WHO is this bitch?? she knows she bad

    2. Like, this isn't THAT bad:

    3. Nor is this:

    4. Or this:

    5. But things are starting to get worse:

    6. Ever so slightly:

    Me seeing the drug dealer I owe $300 to being sent back to jail

    7. OK, like if you laughed at this it's bad but not THAT bad:

    Probs going to Hell but tell me he isn't serving Virgin Mary realness

    8. Same with this:

    9. And this:

    My girl Melanie came thru for us.

    10. OK, but THIS is messed up:

    Your timeline has now been blessed by mpreg Clippy

    11. As is this:

    12. And this:

    PSA for librarians: occasionally check how the World Book encyclopedia is arranged on your shelves

    13. OK, a quick breather:

    Me when I've gathered enough information to catch my man in the lie he told me 132 days ago

    14. BACK TO IT:

    15. Like, OMG:

    when you're extremely high in public but holding it together flawlessly

    16. *Clutches pearls*:

    17. *Burns sage*:

    18. *Rinses eyes with soap*:

    19. We're almost done, I promise:

    20. But buckle up, because we're about to finish on a good one:

    21. *END SCENE*:

    me w a boyfriend vs. me without

    Thank you for tuning in.