11 Times Tumblr Combined Your Love Of Animals And Video Games


    Like video games? Love animals? Then Animals with Videogame Themes is the tumblr for you!

    1. Brave kookaburra + Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

    2. Fluffy dog + Star Fox Assault

    3. Lil' turtle + Super Metroid

    4. Alligator + Earthbound

    5. Hungry pup + Fire Emblem: Awakening

    6. Tiny fluff + Kirby and the Crystal Shards

    7. Cuddle buddies + Earthbound

    8. Regal birdy + The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

    9. Fancy dancer + Team Fortress 2

    10. Sleepy pal + Super Mario 64

    11. Happy catfish + Pokémon X/Y