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    22 Cheap Things That'll Help You Give Your Home A Makeover Even If You're Broke

    Everything is under $15.

    1. A surface cover to transform your kitchen counters and tables into beautiful marble pieces.

    2. A pair of scratch guards so that your little furry friend — who seems to think your upholstered furniture is a toy — doesn't force you into buying new furniture.

    on the left, a reviewer's furniture with a rip, and on the right, the same furniture patched up with the furniture guard

    3. A pack of furniture touch-up sticks you'll wish existed back when you were a little one, because maybe then your parents would have THANKED YOU instead of grounding you for drawing on your furniture. 🤷

    4. A pumice cleaning stone that'll scratch away at those — TBH, pretty repulsive — toilet stains without leaving horrid scratch marks in the bowl.

    on the left, the inside of a reviewer's toilet looking dirty, and on the right, the same toilet now looking clean

    5. Paint touch-up so you can quickly fix chips, cracks, and stains on your walls without having to re-do the whole thing.

    a person using the white touch-up paint

    6. A fabric defuzzer you'll just glide over an area of clothing/furniture that's covered in unwanted fuzzies.

    On the left, the arm of a couch with fabric pilling on it, and on the right, the same arm of the couch but the defuzzer got rid of the pilling

    7. A microfiber blind cleaner for saying goodbye to dust! 🎵 I can see the sun clearly now the dust is gone. 🎵

    a person using the microfiber tool to clean blinds

    8. An oil stain remover you just stir-up, apply to a stain, and let sit and dry for about 72 hours. Then you can do a little dance to celebrate your oil stain being gone.

    a series of photos showing a reviewer using the stain remover to get rid of an oil stain on their countertop

    9. A garbage disposal foaming cleaner that'll tackle built-up grime and those nasty smells you gag at every time you're near your kitchen sink. It's truly so...disgusting.

    10. A FlexiSnake so you can unclog your hair-filled drain by simply ~snaking~ this tool down there, letting it grab the hair, pulling it back up, and deciding whether you should be marveled at its abilities or gag.

    11. Or a TubShroom that'll collect your hair while in the shower/bath, so it doesn't go down the drain and clog it in the first place.

    12. A rust stain remover spray you can basically think of as fairy pixie dust in a bottle. I mean, just look at the photo below. Point proven. Case closed. Onto the next one.

    13. A watermark remover cloth that'll get rid of those annoying ringlet stains on your furniture — you warned your family to use a coaster but, of course, they didn't listen!

    On the left, a surface with a water mark, and on the right, the same surface, without any water mark

    14. A wood polish and conditioner to help restore your wooden furniture back to factory condition. Did you just get your entire house re-done by an HGTV crew, or are you just super good at picking out cleaning products?

    15. Window screen repair tape that only takes about 30 seconds to apply, is super strong and durable, and will be a heck of a lot cheaper than having to replace an entire screen.

    16. A natural stain remover to keep you and your family's life clean as can be with a product you can feel good about anyone using, and not worry about the kiddos accidentally getting a hold of.

    On the left, a piece of fabric with a pink stain on it, and on the right, the same piece of fabric now completely cleared up and looking brand new

    17. A touch-up paint pen you fill with your paint color of choice and then just apply to any imperfections you're trying to cover-up.

    18. A power scrubbing cleaning kit you can attach to your drill and get to work in making your living space look brand freakin' new.

    19. A carpet spot remover spray to clean stains so fast and easy, Stanley Steemer is going to start plugging YOUR phone number in their catchy jingles.

    On the left, a carpet looking dirty, and on the right, the same carpet now clean after using the spray

    20. A grout pen that'll have your floors shining like the top of the Chrysler building in no time at all. Did you hire a fancy schmancy service to clean your tiles? Nope, you used a PEN to cover it all up.

    21. A cooktop cleaning kit because look: you're using the thing to make your meals, so naturally it's going to get dirty. Sometimes things fall out of the pot, sometimes things splatter from the pan, and sometimes burns happen because you're too busy dancing to the Jonas Brothers and forgot about your pasta... Not speaking from personal experience!

    On the top, a reviewer stovetop looking dirty, and on the bottom, the same reviewer's stovetop now looking completely clean after using the kit

    22. A pet hair removal broom and squeegee that'll help you get rid of the furry mess your pet leaves behind. It might not be visible to the naked eye, but you just KNOW it's living in your carpet...and TBH...it's quite gross.

    a pile of dog fur a person brought up from the carpet using the squeegee

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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