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If You Can Name These 19 Countries That End In Two Consonants It Means You Have A High IQ

How did I not notice that ALL countries end in vowels??

Recently, I saw a Pointless TikTok from BritishTVNostalgia. No, the TikTok itself wasn't pointless – it captures a moment on the British teatime quiz show where a contestant rather showed herself up with her geography knowledge.

Anyway, the video instantly triggered the part of my brain that relentlessly thinks about BuzzFeed quizzes, and I knew had to make it... So here we are!

The challenge is – can you identify the 19 countries of the world whose names end with two consonants? E.g. NOT BulgariA or BenIn. It's harder than you might think...

H/T to BritishTVNostalgia on TikTok and Pointless for the idea for this quiz!