25 People Who Probably, No Definitely, Had A Way Worse Weekend Than You Did

    Sending love to all these people!

    1. This person whose street got set on fire due to people not realizing that the 4th of July is very much over:

    2. This person whose car just decided to go snorkeling one day:

    3. This person who now has their very own Rainforest Cafe due to their neighbor's locust tree:

    4. This person whose dinner decided to fight back:

    5. This person whose plan to feed the seagulls went totally left:

    6. This person whose entire backyard was terribly remodeled by a storm:

    7. This person who got a full tank of gas, but at what cost:

    8. This person who was randomly tipped over by a cow:

    9. These people who had to walk through dirty water in the subway:

    10. This person who's basically trapped inside like it's early quarantine again: 

    11. This person who was so close, yet so far, from securing their job:

    12. This person who had to deal with the terrible woes before, during, and after a thunderstorm:

    13. This person who had huge plans for a plate of food when they got home but their plans were evidently destroyed by gravity:

    14. This person who just had a super unfortunate situation with their boat:

    15. This person whose car sadly faced Mother Nature's wrath:

    16. This person whose water tank just decided to leave from its assigned seat that day:

    17. This person who had high hopes for this pizza but they were sadly destroyed:

    18. This person who basically had a whole twig stuck in their foot:

    19. This person whose tire just decided to stop doing its job:

    20. This person whose olive oil just didn't want to stay on the shelf:

    21. This person who just couldn't seem to catch a break while playing a simple game of Mario Kart:

    22. This person who not only has to worry about their stressful job but also the loud construction trucks outside their window:

    23. This person who became lunch to not just one, but two ticks:

    24. This person who has to deal with the flooding water outside and now inside too:

    25. And finally, this person whose tire just seemed to disappear while driving: