14 Perfectly Good Dishes That Were Absolutely Ruined By Indians

    Why did they do this?

    1. This salad with a totally unnecessary addition.

    2. This horror medley.

    3. This awfulness.

    4. These prawns having their privacy invaded for no reason.

    5. This dish that couldn't have had a more unappetising name if it tried...

    6. Unless it was this dish.

    7. This uncalled-for mixing of cultures.

    8. And this even stranger cultural mix.

    9. This fusion dish that no one asked for.

    10. This noodle samosa AKA the worst. filling. ever.

    11. This monstrosity.

    12. These Spain-jabi cocktails.

    13. This menu that's entirely way too hipster.

    14. And any biryani with these things added in them.