17 Photos Of Lana Del Rey That Are Literally Trying To Make Me Have Straight Thoughts

    RIP me.

    Look, friends — I don't have time to set shit up today, something's happening to me! You should've read the headline, but the TL;DR is I think I'm becoming...str*ight. And it's all Lana's fault.

    1. "What's up, my dude?"

    2. "I really want to listen to John Mayer."

    3. "Suddenly I love Saving Private Ryan."

    4. "Breaking Bad is the greatest show in the history of ever."

    5. "I could really work out to 'Kung Fu Fighting (Everybody Was)' right now."

    6. "How's it going, man?"

    7. "Camping with the boys is so much ~fun~."

    8. "Stay away from me while I'm grilling."

    9. "Speaking of grill, Bear Grylls is a beast, amirite?"

    10. "Can you believe the Hawks dropped a 3-quarter lead against the Patriots in the World Series?"

    11. "I hate expressing my feelings."

    12. "Hey, bro."

    13. "Soccer isn't a sport."

    14. "Can you believe this noob on Halo right now?"

    15. "Why do I feel like singing 'Sweet Caroline' at karaoke?"

    16. "Social media? Is garbagé."

    17. "In fact, so is the entire internet, so I'm gonna head to the doctor and check out now."

    Peace out, my guys!