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Twitter Is Roasting People Who Use Mason Jars And I'm Dead

"You have to put effort into how impractical that is."

This is a mason jar.

And let's all just be honest for a second here: Mason jars are cool. They're trendy. They're Instagrammable. They make drinks, smoothies, and food look good.

BUUUUT...they're not that practical. You know this. I know this. We all know this.

Finally, people are now speaking out against their impractical-ness on Twitter. Here's what they said.

They're like, "No mason jar can do what a water bottle can."

And come on, if you're eating a salad, bring some fucking tupperware. That's just obvious.

And use a GD bowl.

Like, we know what you're trying to do here.

What about practicality????

Like you have to try to be that impractical.

HOWEVER, some people — like this girl — support mason jars for good reasons.

And others are like, "Actually, it is practical."