Non-Boomers Are Sharing Their Most "Boomer Opinions," And I Agree With A Lot

    "Completing schoolwork now is much easier than it was for boomers."

    Last week, I wrote a post about non-boomers on Reddit sharing their most boomer-ish opinions. Well, in the comments of that post, our BuzzFeed Community came through with some examples of their own!

    Here's what they said:

    1. "People aren't entitled to an immediate response from you and should be understanding of your time, but at the same time, leaving someone on read for an extended period is inconsiderate since you have no idea how that's going to affect the person on the other end."


    2. "Work instant communication — you can slack me, email me, call me, text me after hours, and I will respond at 8 a.m. when I log in."


    3. "I’m only 31 and I don’t want kids on my lawn."


    4. "Going to walk around outside? TAKE YOUR EARBUDS OUT! I can't tell you how many times I've nearly hit someone who had NO self- or spacial awareness. I love music too, but please don't make other people responsible for your safety!"


    A woman walking down a street

    5. "Social media is kinda stupid, and I feel like it shouldn’t be as necessary to everyday life as it is. I’m a Gen Z'er, and I don’t have social media by choice. I’ve seen how it degrades my friends' mental health, yet is simultaneously the only thing that gives them the will to live, and it all just feels extremely toxic."


    6. "Music from the '50s, '60s and '70s was the absolute best. It was innovative, varied, emotional, catchy, and you could still dance to it. Most of today’s popular music is formulaic, interchangeable, and really hasn’t changed much in decades."


    7. "Leave and listen to voicemail. If I don’t recognize your number, I’m not answering. If I don’t get a voicemail telling me who you are and what you want, then I am definitely not calling you back. And listen to the voicemails I left for you. If I called, that means I needed to tell you something too complicated to text. You don’t need to text/call me back if you just LISTEN TO THE VOICEMAIL. I probably didn’t want to talk to you anyway and was glad to get your voicemail."


    8. "Quit being so loud. When you're in public, be respectful of others around you. Don't talk loudly on your phone or play games with the sound on (and no ear buds). Don't use speaker phone. Don't play music (unless you have earbuds). Don't blare your music in a vehicle if you are in a residential area. Keep your vehicle in good maintenance, so people don't have to listen to your exhaust/brakes/muffler. If you live close to others (like an apartment building), don't play music/games/tv loudly. If you want it loud, invest in headphones. Honestly, life would be so much better if people would just STFU most of the time."


    9. "No call, no show, or showing up super late to an appointment with no communication shows a total disregard to other people's time."


    10. "In a lot of respects, completing school assignments now is much easier than it was for boomers. You can look anything up instantly online now and even just having a computer to type and print is easier. Imagine relying solely on books in the library to do research and writing every paper by hand?"


    11. "My most boomerific opinion: Kids need to be raised as self-reliant as possible. They need to learn all household chores to the best of their ability (including yard work, cooking, use of power tools, and car maintenance).”


    12. "You don’t need to, and probably shouldn’t, record everything your children do and put it on the internet."


    A person taking a picture of a two kids

    13. "Picking out a video at the store was better than looking through Netflix."


    14. "Letters are better than text messages."


    15. "How come EVERYTHING online needs to be filtered? Can't anyone take a picture anymore and just post it?"


    So, boomers, it's your turn. What is your most millennial/Gen Z-ish opinion? Let me know in the comments below!

    Some responses were edited for length and/or clarity.