17 People Who Are Definitely NOT Close With Their Boss

    These make me uncomfortable.

    1. This girl used her boss's clapback against them:

    2. And so did this guy:

    3. This guy whose boss told his contacts he was bad at his job:

    4. This guy definitely didn't win over his boss with this text (he was fired):

    5. And this person accidentally called their boss "wife":

    6. This girl did this...

    Perks of having the same job as your best friend 🤪🤪

    ...and her boss didn't approve:

    7. And same with this Chuck E. Cheese employee:

    Update : I got fired lmao https://t.co/MnKxkG8Hx4

    8. This girl's boss was FED UP:

    9. This girl's boss did not appreciate her joke:

    I showed my boss this tweet and he said, "I don't get it." His name is literally Matt.

    10. This girl's boss printed out her tweets about customers and was fired:

    11. This boss sent his employee this shady text:

    12. And this boss was just petty AF:

    13. This guy responded to his boss's rude email with this:

    14. This boss is definitely in for an awkward workday with their employee after weirdly asking them to get drinks:

    Today my boss asked me if I wanted to go for a drink after work and I couldn’t think of a reason not to go quick enough so I just just went errrrrrrrr errrrrrr errrrrrr like a fucking spastic until she walked away. Anyone looking to employ a really nice girl that seems rude AF?

    15. This boss freaked out for the dumbest reason:

    When my boss called me up on speaker phone and *screamed* at me *for 30 minutes* because a link on our website stopped working. https://t.co/4kwwYMBlGt

    16. This boss did the unthinkable to their employee's chicken:

    17. And finally, this boss had zero sympathy: